What does your gut say?
When I was a young adult I applied for a job at a design office and they told me to apply again in a year’s time. Because I liked the office, I did that and they actually wanted me. But my mind had serious objections: “You can’t do that, that’s graphic design and you’ve learned product design! Do you really want that? Besides, they are much too good for you. Can you handle the pressure of working with such competent colleagues? My gut, on the other hand, said: “That’s great, that’s exactly the atmosphere you want. Despite all my doubts I had a deep peace in my stomach. I accepted the job and now, many years later, I’m still glad that I worked there for a number of years. I learned so much there, not only professionally but also socially!
I think this peace in my belly was the guidance of God and the doubts in my head showed my internalized inferiority (not of God).
God gave me my mind, my heart (I’m talking about my “gut feeling“) and my free will. He wants me to recognize by my own free will that he is a good God who has plans for me – good plans! I don’t know his plans. But I am convinced that he will guide you and me step by step, if we allow and want him to. He wants me to use the talents and gifts that he has put into me for a world based on his will. For heaven on earth. I think it’s crazy that “little me” is supposed to be a part of his great plan. If I agree to do my part, I will find fulfilment and live my calling. This does not mean that it is always easy or comfortable. But it does mean that I do what my heart beats for and I have a deep passion for. To work for God’s world, I don’t have to be a pastor. It can be a normal profession in which I can put my values to work and in which with his help I am really good! With this I can bring joy and a smile to my surroundings and to everyone I meet.
“His master replied, ‘Good job! You’re a good and faithful servant! You proved that you could be trusted with a small amount. I will put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master’s happiness.” Matthäus 25:21 (GW)
This Bible verse is about an amount of money that this servant has responsibly and cleverly managed and increased. He had used his talents. God is pleased when you use what he has placed into your life.
Our wonderful God has given me and you many strengths and talents and we are responsible to Him for what we make of them! Not only what I do with my talents, but in life in general my highest authority and advisor for decisions and actions is not my partner, my family or my boss, but God! In the word RESPONSibility you find the word response. This means that you ask him what you should do and respond to God’s quiet voice and guidance. The Holy Spirit guides and leads you into these plans in everyday life if you pay attention to him and practice responding to him!
And don’t worry if you haven’t done this before. God has often made fertilizer from the worst crap! It is always the right time to seek God’s help! Sometimes your “gut” says yes to a decision, but your mind is reluctant because it seems three numbers too big. If you need an extra dose of courage to make something happen, but you feel peace and passion for it at the same time – then I believe you are going in the right direction and God is behind it!