Glauben häppchenweise Blog

A table full of gifts

Recently we had another Holy Spirit Night, a worship evening in our church. The Holy Spirit Night team set up a large table, loaded with a pile of packages, lovingly wrapped in...

Between Resurrection and Ascension

We recently celebrated the death of Jesus and his resurrection at Easter. This is our most beautiful festivity! I read about these events in the Bible and it made such an impression...

Fear of man or fear of God

Many years ago, I got a seat on a crowded city bus in St. Gallen. It was cramped and noisy. Sitting opposite me was a small, slender woman with a tight-fitting headscarf,...

Marriage in the green zone

Your God-given value helps you to have good relationships! If you don’t know your God-given value, your relationships will suffer. Then conflicts will either turn into fights or withdrawing! Neither is healthy....

New decisions?

A new year – does that automatically mean that new decisions are or should be made? Not for me. My decisions often develop slowly in my head, then suddenly come to the...

Shining like the stars

When it gets dark so early at this time of year, we enjoy lights and candles in all shapes and sizes. We light candles during Advent; the closer we get to Christmas,...

Expand your thinking!

I’m currently reading the book “Imagine the God of Heaven” by John Burke. I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s keeping me thinking. John Burke has investigated 1000 near-death experiences of people...

Friend or King?

When you picture Jesus or God the Father in your imagination, what are they like? Friend and Father or King and Lord? For my husband, God has always been above all the...

Nature speaks…

This blog was supposed to talk about how God compares himself and his ways with an eagle (Deut. 32:11), because this impressed me quite a bit when I was reading the Bible....

The Lion Inside Of You

Something has been going through my mind for many months, something that we Christians have probably all heard many times: “Christ lives in me”. This: “Christ lives in me” applies to all...