Really? For real!
Do you sometimes meet people (or those you see in the spotlight) who make you think: “Wow, I like this person, he or she seems so real! That’s a person I’m attracted to. On the other hand, there are also people where I think: “Hmmm, somehow this or that person doesn’t seem quite real.“
What is it about “being real”?
Real also means: genuine, credible, convincing.
I can be real when I know that I am valuable, even if I am not perfect. I know that God loves me as I am, with all my quirks and faults. But I also know that other people have their problems with my shortcomings. Do I fear their judgment? Do I want to hide my weaknesses because otherwise they might not like me anymore? But then I’m no longer open and vulnerable. Sometimes I will manage to hide my flaws more, sometimes less. But it always costs me strength.
So my “being real” is related to my self-confidence. If I know myself and know that I am valuable, then I can be true to myself. I don’t have a problem if someone sees that I made a mistake (I’m still working on that…). I can be vulnerable – and that shows my strength! I can talk about my doubts and difficulties, even in my life of faith! I don’t have to be perfect and I don’t have to be afraid of my impression on others.
The LORD is with me, I will not be afraid; what can anyone do to me? Psalm 118:6 (GNT)
I am genuine: I show myself the way I am, with strengths and weaknesses. I don’t try to be something I’m not. Appearance and reality are in accord.
I am credible: I say what I do and I do what I say. I know myself well enough to know what I can and cannot do. And I also know what I stand for, what is in line with my biblical values and what isn’t. If I’m wrong, I can apologize and accept the responsibility. Talking, thinking and acting are in harmony.
I am convincing: people around me notice that what I say and do comes from the heart and from an inner conviction. There is no hidden agenda nor other motives involved when I stand up for someone or something. That makes me trustworthy and convincing. I am not “fake-news”, I am and show myself as an original.
A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a rotten tree cannot produce good fruit.Matthew 7:18 (GW)
Being “real” means that on the one hand I’m happy how wonderfully I’m made and on the other hand I realize that I am not (and never will be) perfect, but still have some quirks and weaknesses.
Being “real” means that I accept that I am in a process and that I’m growing with God’s help.
Being “real” means that I am grateful that God created me like this and not another way.
Being “real” means that even if other people sometimes have trouble with me and could withdraw their love from me, that God always loves me. I know that my value always remains the same. For me, God’s opinion about me is more important than the opinion of people. This usually results in people who are important to me loving me even more!
Being “real” means that I am the same inside and out.