Let off steam
Do you sometimes get so wound up that it’s hard for you to take a deep breath and calm down? There are times when I’m so into the “doing” that I don’t even notice that I’m tense or even uptight. If it goes on too long, it becomes a problem. Then the doing and recurring emotional difficulties become a burden and even small hills become big mountains.
“Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Recently, when I spent time with Jesus, in my imagination the image of an old steam locomotive appears and I realize that I am this locomotive. The embers of the fire are hot, the boiler full of steam and under pressure; I am restless and tense.
Jesus climbs into my cab, looks at me with understanding and pulls the steam relief valve.
He lets off my steam and I realize how good it is for my old locomotive!
And again.
Slowly I relax and take a deep breath. Jesus radiates calm, looks at me and grins with love in his eyes.
Yes, I’m fine now. I can sit and relax, the inner drive has quieted down. Now I can enjoy being with Jesus and be attentive. It feels so good; my lists are forgotten for the moment and the tension fades from me. Now I am completely there for Jesus’ presence.
When I realize that I am under pressure and my to-do list is long, I go back to this picture and to peace with Jesus. It always feels so good to me! In times of rest like these, Jesus gives me wisdom for my day. He shows me solutions to problems and his perspective of my situation. Most of all, I know again that I am loved and in good hands with Jesus. He is with me. Knowing this gives me security and confidence.
“I have so much to do that I should spend the first three hours in prayer,” Martin Luther is often quoted. I have never managed three hours. If I have so much to do anyway, how can I spend extra time with God?
What Luther probably meant to say is that I can cope better with a long to-do list and get on with my tasks more quickly if I have prayed beforehand and sat quietly with Jesus. Because then I have confidence that He is with me and thus everything will somehow turn out right, even if I don’t have it under control. Then I can act out of calmness and not out of stress or fear of not getting it right. Then I have the right – that means his – perspective and good solutions!
He gives me rest when I take time and spend it in thoughts with Jesus. I can bring my burdens to him and then see his perspective on things. And so burdens become lighter, because no burden or problem has ever been too big for Jesus or troubled Him. Come to Jesus and let off your steam as well!