God’s love

I run to the Father

Sometimes I realize that I have been running to God with a problem in my thoughts for ages and I have the feeling that he is not there. Again and again I...

The dachshund and the medal

In my quiet time, impressions come to me time and again like short film clips. This time I saw a young wire-haired dachshund walking towards me. It had the ribbon of a...

What does God think of you?

What does God think of me personally? This self with all its rough edges, strengths and weaknesses, simply this complex self that often doesn’t even understand itself? How do I know what...

Be restored

The other morning I was at Lake Constance and saw a large seagull standing in the lawn outside the window. Strange, I’ve never seen that before. I went outside and walked over...

A table full of gifts

Recently we had another Holy Spirit Night, a worship evening in our church. The Holy Spirit Night team set up a large table, loaded with a pile of packages, lovingly wrapped in...

Shining like the stars

When it gets dark so early at this time of year, we enjoy lights and candles in all shapes and sizes. We light candles during Advent; the closer we get to Christmas,...

Expand your thinking!

I’m currently reading the book “Imagine the God of Heaven” by John Burke. I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s keeping me thinking. John Burke has investigated 1000 near-death experiences of people...

Nature speaks…

This blog was supposed to talk about how God compares himself and his ways with an eagle (Deut. 32:11), because this impressed me quite a bit when I was reading the Bible....

Hold and be held!

Or:What you always wanted to know about bird feathers…. How about a little excursion into bird feather science? Really? Yes, for me it gave unexpected insights! Let me take you there! A...

The truth will set you free

God’s love inspires me again and again. For me, it is closely connected with the freedom I experience through it. The following verse comes to mind: If the Son sets you free,...